Like trains, people often chug along each day, settling into their workplace routines in almost-automated ways. However, when the unexpected takes place, it can toss a wrench into everyone’s routine. When a natural disaster, severe weather or...
Now More Than Ever, it is Critical to Keep Communication Channels Open
We’ve streamlined our process If you haven’t heard already, we are giving free access to those who wish to send COVID-19-related email newsletter. We had such a great response to...
Communication in a Crisis
What are you going to do? How many times have you answered that question over the last week? If you're like me, the answer has changed daily (and sometimes multiple times per...
Your Customers Get a Newsletter. How About Sending One for Your Employees, Too?
One of the best ways to engage with your audience, whether they are customers or not, is to send them a regular newsletter. This works to build brand recognition and trust, but...
One Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal: The One Billion Person Promise
What is a BHAG? BHAG stands for Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. It is a far-out, massive-scale aspiration an organization establishes to motivate the...