We’re ready to make your newsletter smart.

ASAE community members will receive a 20% discount on their first year of home-dev.rasa.io service by signing up here.

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rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
rasa.io is a leader in Email Marketing on G2
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american marketing association ama
American Dental Association Logo
HFMA health care financial management association
American Society for Microbiology

Make your newsletter smart like ASAE.

ASAE uses home-dev.rasa.io technology to power its daily newsletter and wants to help bring the technology to the global association community.

ASAE and home-dev.rasa.io began working together to increase engagement for ASAE’s Associations Now Daily News, which is delivered to 50,000 people.

Similar to many organizations, ASAE had previously sent their daily Associations Now email in a static format to all 50,000 of their readers. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the home-dev.rasa.io product enables ASAE to individualize their email content for each reader and simultaneously absorb valuable insights from how those members engage with the content that is delivered.

John Graham, President and CEO of ASAE reports: “Gaining a deeper understanding of our members’ needs and interests is more important than ever. This is a game changer for ASAE.”

Are you ready to make your email newsletter smart?

Begin today.

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